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Весь контент Mathieu.A

  1. For the persons that are not from administration team : - We send only one diffraction grating by person. - The diffraction grating is free, but it's necessary to repay the shipping fee. The shipping fee depend of the location of the person. If the other members of this forum want a diffraction grating, contact me. Have a nice day Mathieu
  2. Hello, If you want diffraction gratings, you can give me your postal address by personal message. Mathieu
  3. OK. You can give me the address by personal message. I will send the diffraction gratings as soon as possible. Mathieu
  4. How many diffraction gratings do you want ? (for UFOCOM administration team) Mathieu
  5. Good morning everyone, I'm a member of the UFO-Science team. I'm sending diffraction gratings since 2008. I see that you want buy diffraction gratings. Fantastic ! If you want, can you tell us where will be the diffraction gratings (number and cities) ? With these informations, we will be able to update our map : http://www.ufo-science.com/wpf/?page_id=111&lang=en What do you think ? If you need help, or if you have any question, don't hesitate. Thanks for your interest for the scientist study of the UFO phenomenon ! See you soon. Mathieu UFO-Science Sorry...Cyrillic alphabet is really difficult for us...
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