Mikhail Gershtein
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Уфологическая литература
тема ответил Mikhail Gershtein в теме Направление: уфология, аномальные явления
Пока не в Сети, но тоже интересно: Михаил Герштейн. Что скрывают уфологи. Полтергейст, вампиризм, исчезновение людей. М., «АСТ» - СПб, «Сова», 2007. - 416 стр., тираж 5000 экз. То, о чем можно прочесть в популярных книжках об НЛО - лишь одна сторона проблемы. Гораздо важнее то, о чем уфологи предпочитают молчать. Что общего между полтергейстом и вампиризмом, "ледопадами" и "огненными змеями", религиозными видениями и "снежным человеком", "кругами на полях" и парапсихологией? Ответ, возможно, покажется шокирующим: все эти явления так или иначе соприкасаются с феноменом НЛО, связаны с ним тысячами невидимых нитей. Сенсационное расследование дает возможность по-новому посмотреть на то, что лишь казалось хорошо знакомым и познакомиться с неведомыми гранями окружающего мира. Эта книга поможет вам заглянуть за черту, которую стараются не переступать даже опытные уфологи, и открыть реальность, превосходящую самые смелые предположения. Обложку книги можно посмотреть здесь: http://www.kniga.com/books/product.asp?sku...96&dept_id=1117 Михаил Герштейн. НЛО в секретных архивах ФБР. Вся правда о пришельцах в Розуэлле. М., «АСТ» - СПб, «Сова», 2007. - 448 стр., тираж 5000 экз. Что на самом деле произошло летом 1947 года в штате Нью-Мексико: крушение НЛО или нечто иное? Существовала ли сверхсекретная группа по изучению НЛО "Маджестик-12"? Знаменитый кинофильм "Вскрытие пришельца" - подделка или реальность? Ответы на эти и другие вопросы были найдены в секретных досье американских военных и спецслужб, но правду о событиях тех лет продолжают скрывать от народа. Сенсационные разоблачения и шокирующие факты, игры разведок и проделки мистификаторов - все это сошлось воедино в грандиозной истории, правда о которой впервые прозвучит на русском языке. Обложку книги можно посмотреть здесь: http://www.moscowbooks.ru/book.asp?id=355827 Михаил Герштейн. Тайны НЛО и пришельцев. М., «АСТ» - СПб, «Сова», 2007. - 416 стр., тираж 5000 экз. Перед вами - захватывающее путешествие по лабиринту многовековой загадки, не дающей покоя ученым и энтузиастам. Здесь вы прочтете то, о чем власти, пресса и даже уфологи предпочитают умалчивать. Вы сможете впервые ознакомиться с сенсационными документами из архивов КГБ, Министерства обороны СССР и Академии наук, узнаете все подробности нашумевших событий прошлого и наших дней, прикоснетесь к оригиналам и первоисточникам. Легендарные времена и современность сплетаются воедино в книге, где увлекательность сочетается со строгой документальностью, а взгляд под неожиданным ракурсом позволяет по-новому взглянуть на, казалось бы, хорошо известные факты. Обложку книги можно посмотреть здесь: http://www.bgshop.ru/description.aspx?product_no=9101374 Претензии от людей, не читавших эти книги, не принимаются. Все комментарии мне на мыло: ufo_miger@mail.ru -
1. Книги Мэнтла и Стоунхилла я пока не читал. И Шуринов тоже не успел ее прочитать - книга только что вышла. Как можно ругать что-то не прочитав? Так в советское время заочно ругали Пастернака, Бродского и Солженицына. Я помог авторам при ее написании и думаю, что у них получилось неплохо. 2. Стоунхилл никого не обворовывал, и Шуринову это известно лучше всех. Он взял текст из книги Валентина Крапивы, присланной ему лично автором. Если кто и обворовал Лисевича, так это г-н Крапива. Про первоисточники вдохновения г-на Крапивы Пол не знал. 3. Я не обзывал Шуринова антисемитом. Почитайте подлинный текст моего письма у него же на сайте. 4. С фальшивым фильмом для жителей Белоруссии все просто. Моя статья на эту тему, простирающаяся на три полосы, опубликована в газете "Секретные исследования", прекрасно знакомой посетителям сайта.
Видимо, придется и на этом форуме провести небольшую санобработку. Уж если кто и изошел слюной, так это Шуринов, пытающийся защитить заведомую подделку. Было известно все об этом фильме, не хватало только точки - кто именно сотворил фальшивку. И точка была поставлена. Совсем недавно создатель фильма Рэй Сантилли лично признался, что фильм подделан. Известны все детали - кто был скульптором при создании манекена, кто стоял рядом во время съемки и т. п. Для знающих английский язык: Santilli Changes His Autopsy Film Story From: Philip Mantle <philip.nul> Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 22:35:57 +0100 Tonight showed the SKY ONE TV show 'Eamon Investigates - Alien Autopsy. The show starts of with Santilli still claiming that he saw real film of aliens and that he purchased it from a former US military cameraman. However, there is now a change in the story. Santilli & his colleague Gary Shoefield claim that it took 2 years to buy the film & that when it finally arrived in London 95% of it had 'oxidised' and the remaining 5% was in very poor condition. They therefore decided to 'reconstruct' it based on Santilli's recollection and a few frames that were left. To do this they hired UK sculptor John Humphreys. Humphreys tells of how he used sheeps brain for the brain and a lambs leg for the leg joint. The cameraman's interview film is also a fake. The man in the film is someone they literally brought in off the street and gave him a prepared script to read from. Santilli and Shoefield continually try to insist that the AA film as we know it is a restoration, but in fact it was made by John Humphreys. To try and justify they claim that some of the surviving original frames are seen mixed in with the reconstruction/restoration. Interestingly neither Santilli, Shoefield or Humphreys could point out where and which are these frames when viewing the AA film. Santilli admitted that the six-fingered panels in the debris film were the result of 'artistic license' an he even produced one of the I-beams from the boot of his car. The debris film was also mde by John Humphreys. In fact, Humphreys is the surgeon in the film, and a former employee of Shoefield's in behind the window. He's Gareth Watson, a man I met several times in Ray's office. Nick Pope and mysels appear briefly in this show and I dare say Nick will have hi own comments to make. For anyone interested in the AA film I do recommend watching this if you can. I've taken part in another show for Channel Five in the UK the content of which I am not permitted to disclose. After watching this tonight I can honestly say that I do not believe one word of either Santilli or Shoefield and I have no doubt that the film is nothing more than a complete fake. There is and never was any original film and there is and never was any US military cameraman. Santilli & Shoefield had little credibility as it was but now they have none. The alien autopsy film is dead and I hope to put it to rest, once and for all, soon. Watch this space. From: Philip Mantle <philip.nul> Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2006 18:17:33 +0100 Fwd Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2006 11:09:48 -0400 Subject: Santilli's Film Flim-Flam For the benefit of those who have not seen the recent Sky One show featuring Santilli I thought I might take this opportunity to point out some of the nonsense in more detail. Santilli & Co claim that they had 22 reels of film of which only 5% was left intact. 55 is an awful lot, but Santilli claims that only a few frames were used in the AA film and the rest was a reconstruction. Santilli & co could not recognise these few frames which they claim were part of the AA film. The 'oxidisation' of the film is also laughable. Santilli & co could not remember the flat (apartment) where they claimed to have filmed the restoration/reconstruction. I've just spoken to a friend who has been in movie effects all his life and he can not imagine how two 5ft alien dummies plus all of the props were smuggled into a flat without anyone seeing them and it all being filmed in one day. Very implausible to say the least. The chap who made the dummies is John Humphreys. Santilli & Shoefield stood over him constantly like a pair of minders and never allowed him to say anything without them being there. I can tell you for sure that they did not want him to spill the beans. The so-called original frames that Santilli showed, after keeping them in a small tin, were never held up to the camera so that we could see what was on them. They could have had anything on them. And of course, Santilli has never had any frames of film independently scientifically tested. As Santilli pointed out, he was only interested in the commercial aspects of the film. Are you telling me that if he even had one authentic frame of film that he would not have sold it to the highest bidder? Just for the record, I have been working on another TV show for a UK terrestrial broadcaster and the only reason that it has not yet been broadcast is because of legal action that was brought to prevent it. I cannot tell you who took out that action nor the content of the show, but I think you can probably guess. Last but not least, I've recently interviewed someone here in the UK whose testimony could well sink Ray Santilli's ship. He will tell all exactly how the whole scam started. Make no mistake about it, there is and never was any original film, and there is and never was any former U.S. military cameraman. Some of you might be aware of the second world war saying: "Loose lips sink ships". Well, there's a few 'loose lips' talking to me and they have been for quite some time now and Santilli's ship is sinking fast. Just for the record, John Humphreys said he made the alien brain from a sheeps brain coated in jelly (jello). That's why it looks like it does. Source: The Manchester Evening News - UK http://tinyurl.com/nslco Thursday, 6th April 2006 A Salford-born special effects expert, who has designed the aliens for Ant and Dec's big screen debut Alien Autopsy, claims he made models that 10 years ago fooled the world into thinking they were really watching the dissection of a real-life extra- terrestrial. Sculptor John Humphreys has done modelling work for films such as Alexander and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and for TV series including Doctor Who. But until now, he says, he has kept secret his most well-known work - footage of an alleged post mortem of an alien which, some say, crashed to Earth in Roswell in the United States in 1947. For years sceptics have claimed it was a hoax, but John has stayed quiet - saying he was sworn to secrecy. But with the release of sci-fi comedy Alien Autopsy, which features Ant and Dec and which is based loosely on the Roswell film, John says he has decided to reveal his role in the making of the 1996 film. 'Identical' John, who grew up on The Avenue in Lower Broughton and now lives near Eastbourne, says the latest film features creatures which are identical to the aliens he created for the Roswell film. "All we did for the Ant and Dec film was recreate the models we made 10 years ago from photographs we took at the time," said father-of-two John, who says he also played the role of the surgeon in the original film as well as designing the iconic aliens. "The first time around we put together a fantastic film in a very short space of time and the models we used were destroyed after we made the film," he said. "Ant and Dec were great to work with - they have really kept their feet on the ground and they were a pleasure to be around. I visited the set for a few days and they were fantastic." Despite his admission about his role in the making of the original film, John doesn't claim to be able to explain the truth about what happened at Roswell. "The truth is out there but there are layers and layers, it's like the real X Files and people will have to make their own minds up," he said. * Alien Autopsy is out on general release from today and if you want to find out more about John's work you can visit his website at www.john-humphreys.com
Огромный НЛО в центре Минска
тема ответил Mikhail Gershtein в теме Направление: уфология, аномальные явления
biofizik как-то написал: [Здесь была фразочка про Мишу Герштейна Ну да чтобы не нервировать лишний раз человечка... ] ---------------------- На "человечка" я тоже нервно реагирую -
Огромный НЛО в центре Минска
тема ответил Mikhail Gershtein в теме Направление: уфология, аномальные явления
Можете не трудиться с письмом. Официально заявляю, что: 1) Этого снимка в глаза не видел до того, как случайно заглянул на ваш форум, 2) Не видел и газеты, в которой есть "моя" статья, 3) Было бы любопытно ознакомиться с текстом "моей" статьи, ибо если и в ее тексте присутствует такая же липа, как в случае со снимком, буду выяснять, зачем редакции потребовалось прикрывать моим именем всякую лажу. * Михаил Герштейн *